
Instagram | Joven hizo 100 sentadillas diarias durante un mes y este fue el resultado

En tan solo 30 días, Gina Florio logró cambiar su figura. En sus redes sociales mostró el proceso

Instagram | Joven hizo 100 sentadillas diarias durante un mes y este fue el resultado
Instagram | Joven hizo 100 sentadillas diarias durante un mes y este fue el resultado

Todos buscamos la mejor forma de obtener un físico tonificado y, para lograrlo, muchas veces, podemos caer en llevar excesivas rutinas de ejercicios o complicadas dietas. Una usuaria de Instagram ha ganado gran cantidad de seguidores en la red social por su notable aspecto físico luego de hacer 100 sentadillas diarias durante un mes.

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Su nombre es Gina Fioni, quien se ha convertido en tendencia en las redes sociales luego de proponerse a realizar este reto. Con le objetivo de mejorar su figura, la joven se propuso hacer 100 sentadillas diarias durante un mes. El resultado te sorprenderá.

Gina consiguió grandes resultados, pues no solo consiguió definir sus curvas, sino que también, empezó a alimentarse de forma saludable tras ver los resultados de su rutina de ejercicios.

Post-Thanksgiving bloat? 🍁🍂🙈 ___ Tell me about it. If bloating were an Olympic sport I would win a gold medal 🥇every goddamn time. I also struggled with chronic bloat for many years when I used to eat dairy products, so I know what works -- and what doesn't -- when it comes to quelling a bloated tummy. If you had an especially tasty, happy, pie-filled thanksgiving, good on you 🙌🏽 here are a few tips for getting back on track: ✅ Drink heaps and heaps of water: when I wake up in the morning with swollen fingers and an uncomfortable belly, before I do anything else I chug a liter of water. It helps to flush everything out and sets you up for the day ❌ Steer clear of foods that are known to cause or exacerbate bloating, like fried food (I KNOW, SORRY), dairy, beans, cruciferous veggies (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, etc), carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners ✅ Make yourself some ginger root, lemon, turmeric root tea with a touch of maple syrup and sip on it throughout the day. Ginger and turmeric are bloat busters and can help you deflate 🎈 ✅ Eat water rich foods, like cucumber, celery, watermelon. And snack on some banana as well. They're great for digestion and reduce bloating ✅ Consider intermittent fasting: I've been practicing IF for about 4 months now and nothing has helped my bloating more. If you had a particularly big meal the night before, try to go 16 hours without eating. Not nearly as miserable as it sounds. Say you ate at 8pm; if you wait until noon to eat the next day, you give your body the chance to fully digest (and even kick into fat burning mode), and you'll feel loads better by the time you dig into your next meal ✅ Get moving! Go for a walk, sneak into a cycling class, lift weights, do yoga, run around the block, clean your house, just do whatever you can to keep the body in motion ___ Enjoy the last day of your long weekend! I am impatiently waiting for my Chicago layover nightmare to subside. Can't wait to be back home in SF. As always, DM with questions! #veganweightloss #intermittentfasting #bloatingsucks #bloating #postthanksgiving #plantbasedfitness #veganfitness #asianfitness #asiantfitgirl #asianvegan

Una publicación compartida por Gina Florio (@gmflorio) el

"Sí, ¡puedes CONSTRUIR CURVAS! Desde que era adolescente, siempre me encantó el aspecto curvilíneo, pero fui bendecida con una contextura robusta que no tiene muchas curvas, con hombros anchos y una cintura más grande. Yo solía pensar que el entrenamiento iba a hacerme más robusta y más grande, pero después de solo unos meses, ¡finalmente estoy construyendo algunas curvas!", comentó Gina Florio en sus redes sociales. 

La joven también explicó que lo que se necesita para lograr estos cambios es constancia. “Los cambios en el cuerpo no ocurren de un día para otro. Además de ejercicio también se necesita una dieta muy balanceada que complemente tu rutina”, agregó.

Just a couple months can make all the difference. This B&A is about much more than abs or thigh gap. When you feel bloated and tired and sluggish all the time, it’s only natural to want to make a change. Along the way i just got addicted to feeling great every single morning, so i stuck with my program, and i still have more goals i want to achieve. it’s all about smart choices and dedication. Be conscious of what you eat and commit to doing things for your health — especially on the days you don’t feel like it! That’s when it counts the most!! More to come of my story on @popsugarfitness 💪🏽💪🏽😆😆 #weightloss #weightlossjourney #getstrongwithgina #popsugar #pslife #beforeandafter #fitness #weightlifting #strengthtraining #intermittentfasting #fitspo #fitgirl #motivation #inspiration #transformationtuesday #transformation

Una publicación compartida por Gina Florio (@gmflorio) el

100 SQUAT CHALLENGE 😭 __ For the next 30 days I’m doing 100 squats every day. Because apparently I’m a glutton for punishment. Today marks Day 1, and my quads already burn like hell. It took so long to get through all of them that I couldn’t even fit it all in one video. But the rules are I have to do them all in one fell swoop and I can’t split them up throughout the day. Heavens help me. Who wants to join??!! Let’s see what happens! @jennysugar have you started your push up challenge? And @dommymichelle are you doing a plank one? Let’s suffer together!!! 😆😆😆 #squats #challenge #fitnesschallenge #squatchallenge #30daychallenge #fitness #squat #bootygainz #workout #workoutmotivation

Una publicación compartida por Gina Florio (@gmflorio) el

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